Monday 11 January 2010

Don't Use Comic Sans...

And another thing...

I don't understand why people love snow so much...what is it that is so appealing about running around in the cold and throwing mutant water at people? Of course I love snowball fights, they're great fun...but having spent 4 weeks with snow; it's become a cumbersome carpet of fucking sludgy crap. Snow becomes ice. Quickly. People say to me: "I love the snow" one week later that sentence becomes "I hate the snow". Snow is one those things in life that I wish would just
fuck off.
In fact, I think many people do. The weather in England is very temperamental, isn't it? One day the Sun is beaming down on us, the next it's raining everywhere. The weather changes all the time, and it reflects in people's opinions as well, I suppose. People's opinions change daily, based on their mood, which could indeed be based on the weather. The Sun is apparently meant to make morale high amongst people, whereas the rain makes the morale low...
Which only reminds me of a conversation with someone I had earlier. We were discussing MacBooks, he has an aluminium MacBook and I have a white MacBook. He said "I don't know why you'd buy a white MacBook, they're so cheap and plastic."
How fucking pretentious do you have to be?
I have been using Macs my whole life, as my parents are Mac users as well. So when I got my MacBook, I decided to get it in white, as it was reminiscent of how Macs should be. White. "Cheap"? "Cheap"? It was £750, which is hardly cheap.
I also don't understand how people can prefer Windows to Mac. How? I don't know. Windows laptops are ugly. UGH. Awful. MacBooks are pristine and pretty. And Windows 7, that is just a downgraded Mac. The adverts say "Now you can see what you're doing, when you're doing it"'s a called a fucking "dock". They've had it on Macs for a long time now. Besides, everyone loves Apple, whether you like it or not. Whenever my friends go to town, on Facebook there will be millions of pictures of them posing in the Apple Store. They must look like pricks. Luckily, whenever I go to town with my friends, if we visit the Apple Store it would be to buy something or look at prices. Never will I go to town and take pictures on Photo Booth.

I'm done ranting...I'm not really, I just can't be arsed


  1. Personally i dont care about snow i grew out of that phase when i was about 7 ? but i tell you what i do love conor friggin baker :)

    I love you baby :)


  2. you really make me lol, conor :) especially the way you alternate your paragraphs with profanities in bold XD
    "mutant water" is a great description of snow. i agree - nobody ever gets so excited when the water falling from the sky isn't frozen...
    and was mentioned "friend with aluminium macbook" Jamie, by any chance?
